"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Monday, June 06, 2005

Is it about Intel fabbing PPC chips?

Is it about Intel fabbing PPC chips? | �Doc Searls' IT Garage

Interesting idea
Haven't had time to dig into it, likely won't (wrapping up some legal stuff, packin for Paris etc)

Ownership : IBM/MOT/APPL
So the idea would be to trace the ownership of the IP (intellectual property)

MOT has been moving out of production (spin out of Freescale)
Would they mind INTC making the chips?

Maybe not
MOT more of a handset-systems company now (my perception)
IBM clearly moving to systems company (for big clients - sale of PC biz)
Apple moving into consumer products (tough business, but if you have the cachet, you can do it - Branding very important)

soooo - Doc's idea is interesting

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