Russell was participant in Barnett's "game"
Tom's comments :""No major wars - this is the definition of a happy ending. America was losing to win."
Title was apparently a quote I gave or a statement I made at The New Map Game. Go here ( to read Alec Russell's story on the game entitled, "War game gives Washington a lesson in power" in the Daily Telegraph. He has a really neat style of writing. Very clean but very direct. He put in the effort at the game, which I admired, so he earned the story, and it's a solid capture of the tone.
Tom's comment
War game gives Washington a lesson in power
By Alec Russell in Rhode Island
(Filed: 04/06/2005)
The mood in the White House situation room was gloomy. Iran had nuclear weapons; the Chinese had turned North Korea into a de facto colony; and Brazil was getting uppity and refusing to take America's side.
And still the world's lone superpower was barely reacting.
'We are perceived as losing prestige, as not taking the lead,'' a US aide said. 'Not,'' she added thoughtfully, 'that we didn't get whacked around earlier for being a bully.''
The New Map is the latest war game to do the rounds of the US military and it poses salutary lessons for the Bush administration as it ponders crises over Iran's and North Korea's nuclear ambitions and the ill-will caused by Iraq."
Go to the piece for details of scenario
"But ultimately China's and Iran's internal weaknesses put a brake on their ambitions. China was awarded first place in the "game", but only just, and America came a close second. "So was the US losing?" asked Mr Barnett, who believes in conciliating and not confronting China.
"From the point of view of the American people the presidents [in the game] would be pretty popular. Americans are not getting killed in a war and are not 'meddling'.
"No major wars - this is the definition of a happy ending. America was losing to win."
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