"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The REAL World of Warcraft ... more

I'd posted some material and links up here:
Looney Dunes: The REAL World of Warcraft

Further stuff.

Lest it be thought that I take sides on the Administration and the war(s), which might be a reading of the links and such in my prior post, I also value the skeptic's view.

John Robb's Weblog

"First, to paraphrase an old drill sergeant: If you are not reading John Robb’s blog you’re wrong."

John is insightful and well read, a great touchstone.

I love this quote :
John Robb's Weblog: American Futures:

"Writing a blog helps keep you at peak loop output. It forces you to spend time in constant reflection despite life in a multitasking world (which is very, very valuable). So your loop doesn't go screaming off in the wrong direction (which almost everyone is experiencing)."

John links to many good resources, some I read anyway, some I learn from him.

Back on the other side of the coin is Thomas P.M. Barnett :: Weblog

Behind (a lot) in reading Tom
John is succinct...Tom is loquacious.
John points to other resources...Tom less so.
John links to other's ...Tom's doesn't.

John is easy to read ... Tom less so.

I read John first.

Now back to reading

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