"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This has been "floating" around the web for a few weeks:
Nice bit of photo-shopery

Guess it's fooled a fair number of folks.

But consider:

Relative size of moon and sun are totally out of whack.

If the moon was truely as close as it appears some of the following conditions would be apparent.

1) NASA would have an easy task of returning to the moon.

2) we wouldn't have to worry about global warming and the melting the polar ice and glaciers, with a resulting rise in sea-level.
Massive tides would clear the coasts.

3) follow on to #2, tidal friction would heat the interior of the earth to such a degree that we'd not have to worry about CO2 and other greenhouse gasses warming the climate ... volcano's would achieve that.
(and note that it looks like the artic ocean has already melted in the image)

4) we'd be able to do without electric lights for part of every month as the full moon would be damn bright! butthe moon looks like it would be in a polar orbit, so maybe I'm wrong in this assumption ...

Interesting work ...

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