"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Monday, April 25, 2005


The New York Times > Technology > A Boldface Name Invites Others to Blog With Her

Could be interesting, could be a flop
Will these folks be able to come out from behind the PR curtain?
Will they be able to engage in conversations or just make pronouncements?
Will they be willing to expose themselves to criticisms?
Will they be well-rounded individuals or "sock puppets"?

"Arianna Huffington, the columnist and onetime candidate for governor of California, is about to move blogging from the realm of the anonymous individual to the realm of the celebrity collective.

She has lined up more than 250 of what she calls "the most creative minds" in the country to write a group blog that will range over topics from politics and entertainment to sports and religion. It is essentially a nonstop virtual talk show that will be part of a Web site that will also serve up breaking news around the clock. It is to be introduced May 9.

Having prominent people join the blogosphere, Ms. Huffington said in an interview, "is an affirmation of its success and will only enrich and strengthen its impact on the national conversation." Among those signed up to contribute are Walter Cronkite, David Mamet, Nora Ephron, Warren Beatty, James Fallows, Vernon E. Jordan Jr., Maggie Gyllenhaal, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Diane Keaton, Norman Mailer and Mortimer B. Zuckerman."

Will it work, only time will tell ...

And BTW :
Thank's Doc
Doc Searls

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