"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Even more Hybrid Bashing

I've posted a number of times on my doubts about hybrids

Feels like good company to keep:

VentureBeat : Vinod Khosla: Hybrid-electric cars won’t make a difference:

"Vinod Khosla, a well-known venture capitalist and one of the most prolific investors in green technologies, has declared personal war on oil and coal.

He also thinks the environment can be helped by stressing efficiency and finding breakthroughs in new materials.

But hybrid electric cars won’t succeed, he said in an interview. You have to pay $5,000 more on a Prius in order to save half a ton of carbon a year, which is more than most consumers will go for, he explained. Buying hybrids “is mostly about personal guilt trips.” It’s like wealthy investors giving money to “art museums instead of to starving people” in Africa, he said."

I have no doubt that hybrids will continue to roll out, they have Prius PR factor, and maybe diesel hybrids will be an answer, but there are still many "issues"

Note that Vin has his own agenda ... he's been making some huge bets on solar, ethanol and bio-fuels.

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