"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Trumped Up

Flap over "Trump Nation" buy Timothy O'Brian
Such as :

Independent Online Edition > Americas:
"How dare you! Trump sues writer for $5bn for saying he's only worth $250m"

Beware men of fragile egos ...

And then there's this:

Donald Trump, Tim O'Brien, Trump Nation, Trumpworld - Money Week:
"Thanks to The Apprentice, “the Trumpster’s” billionaire public profile has never been higher, says The Washington Post. But he is saddled with a paradox: “people who know least about business admire him most, and those who know the most admire him least”. This irks the man who is always complaining his achievements are overshadowed by the soap opera of his life."
(Shirley and I treat the show as a sit-com)

But what about "Daddy" ??? :

The biggest and the best

It’s not just about money, says The Washington Post. Trump has a near-pathological craving to be envied. “Everything in Trumpworld is fabulous, or in first place, or better looking, or richer, or taller, or it has bigger breasts.”

This compulsion for pre-eminence is down to nurture and nature. Trump’s father, Fred, the son of a German immigrant Klondike entrepreneur, was also a showman developer who built a $200m property empire in Queens and the Bronx. After graduating from the Wharton School of Finance, Trump Junior arrived in Manhattan in the late 1970s with $200,000 “and the dream of making the island his personal Monopoly board”, says Scotland on Sunday.

He succeeded spectacularly, emblazoning his name on buildings and businesses, including the ultimate “look-at-me” landmark, Trump Tower. By 1989, Forbes put his wealth at $1.7bn.

Or maybe it should be called "Chumped Up"

Trump resurgent

Within a year, Icarus had crashed to earth. The property crash left Trump with debts running to billions, and the great sell-off began. Trump, who was simultaneously brokering an expensive divorce settlement with his first wife, Ivana, escaped bankruptcy but was relegated to mere manager of the properties he once owned.

But the Donald retained a genius for self-promotion, writing a series of books such as Trump: The Art of the Comeback. In reality, it was the markets who rode to his rescue, says O’Brien. “In a tribute to the sucker-born-every-minute theorem”, Trump took two of his casinos public in 1995-1996, using the proceeds to unload huge amounts of debt."

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