"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Doc Gets Credit

Awarded: $25G in Google-O'Reilly Open Source Awards :: Open Source, Linux News & Software :: OSDir.com

Big congrats to Doc Searls

"At this evening's OSCON Tuesday Night Extravaganza Google and O'Reilly came together to begin the first of an annual Open Source Awards to honor five open source people whose contributions over the past year have been exceptional in five categories: Communicator, Evangelist, Diplomat, Integrator, and Hacker.

The (rough) transcript of the awards:

This recipient is the most natural choice for this award. He defined the Cluetrain and hasn't gotten off since.

Whether in his weblogs, his various columns, audio programs, or during speaking engagements he always provides the daily play by play as well as the deep insights into the open source way in the most broken down and layman terms possible.

We don't know when he ever sleeps, but we're glad he's on the front line of discussions both with us and those who wish to know us better.

Ladies, and Gentlemen our Communicator award goes to Doc Searls."

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