"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Friday, September 02, 2005

Good insight as to Man's place in the "Natural World

From whoever "Roaring Tiger" is.
I esp like his imagery of "three-faced goddess"

With all due respect for the forces of nature, I still believe that, in the longer run, while a much smaller "Newer Orleans" maybe should be rebuilt, most folks should move to "higher ground"...

Big Cat Chronicles :: Man cannot always avoid nature -- although some folks think it's possible

"It's phenomenal to me that New Orleans succeeded in stimulating the evacuation of the bulk of the population and undertook responding as quickly as officials did. Rather than crucify officials, folks should be applauding their outstanding efforts. While I've no doubts we can learn to do better preparations for the next disaster, and there will be numerous task forces charged with doing so, the relief effort to date is incredible given the magnitude of the problem.

Somewhere along the way, too many people in modern society have come to believe that modern means zero risk. That modern means a day or two can fix problems, no matter how severe, and life will go on like normal before the disaster.

We forget Nature is like the three-faced goddess. At any given time, she wears the face of Virgin, Mother, or Destroyer. The Virgin face is her beauty, the Mother the life-giver, and the Destroyer is the eliminator who destroys so rebuilding can start again.

Hurricane’s like Katrina remind us of our arrogance. Not even modern man, with all our technology and will power, can always overcome the force of Nature. The destroyer still shows her face at times and rather than castigate folks digging in to respond, we would do better to thank our lucky stars the third face shows herself as infrequently as she does in the modern world.


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