"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Make Love Not War

Long projected threat to Russia, similar to some others, such as Europe and Japan, but potentially even worse.

This will impact the Eastern Church as well, shrinking population and influence while the Islamic populations to the south continue to grow.

"The Defense Ministry knows what the main thing is. Really, I am going to speak about love, women, children" — there was applause from the assembled officials — "family, and Russia's most acute problem today: demography."

MOSCOW, May 10 — President
Vladimir V. Putin directed Parliament on Wednesday to adopt a 10-year program to stop the sharp decline in Russia's population, principally by offering financial incentives and subsidies to encourage women to have children.

"Russia's population, now about 143 million, has been falling since the collapse of the Soviet Union, trimmed by emigration, rising death rates and declining birthrates. Both the government and demographers predict more downward pressure, including H.I.V. infections, that could shrink the population below 100 million by 2050."

The New York Times

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