"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Step up to the plate and ... whiffle

Instead of radical change, addresssing the challanges of the world, we'll get "more of the same" ...

We'll just keep spending money on systems for a an enemy of the future or some "maybe" threat rather than dealing with the here and now.

Pentagon Scales Back Review of Military Strategy - New York Times

"From the outset, the administration itself raised high expectations for the review, and the theme of 'transformation' came to be something of a mantra in the Pentagon's corridors. Some said the fruits of the review might be as lasting a legacy of the Rumsfeld years as the outcomes of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ryan Henry, a top Pentagon planning official, declared last fall that the effort, instead of the usual 'periodic tool of refinement,' would be the 'fulcrum of transition to a post-9/11 world.'

Instead, by keeping alive some programs whose projected costs have soared in recent years, like the F/A-22 fighter, the Army's Future Combat Systems, and the Navy's DD(X) destroyer, the review has raised questions about how more exotic weapons and capabilities that Mr. Rumsfeld believes are vital to fight terror groups and other unconventional foes can fit into future defense budgets.

Andrew Krepinevich, a defense analyst with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, who participated in the review, said there was a widespread expectation that the review 'would find the Defense Department confronting some tough decisions.'

'In a sense, a lot of these tough choices are kicked down the road,' he said."

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