"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Efficent Markets ... not

Fits my thinking
Markets run on physiology, not always facts.
This is why "rocket science" always fail in the end

Op-Ed Contributor - This Economy Does Not Compute - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com:

"Certainly, markets have internal dynamics. They’re self-propelling systems driven in large part by what investors believe other investors believe; participants trade on rumors and gossip, on fears and expectations, and traders speak for good reason of the market’s optimism or pessimism. It’s these internal dynamics that make it possible for billions to evaporate from portfolios in a few short months just because people suddenly begin remembering that housing values do not always go up.

Really understanding what’s going on means going beyond equilibrium thinking and getting some insight into the underlying ecology of beliefs and expectations, perceptions and misperceptions, that drive market swings.

Surprisingly, very few economists have actually tried to do this, although that’s now changing — if slowly — through the efforts of pioneers who are building computer models able to mimic market dynamics by simulating their workings from the bottom up."

1 comment:

lakelady said...
