"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Thought of calling this one "a hole in my heart" but maybe more of a loss like a "hole in my (future) brainpan" I say future for all the conversations and stimulation that won't happen, I won't loose the memories of those that did.

I'm still amazed at how many times I recall talks, conversations, ideas from years past, and all of the ideas I'd be able to bring back to people and organizations I know and work with.

First spotted this:
From The Doc Searls Weblog : Tuesday, September 19, 2006

PC Forum, which for almost thirty years was the premier computer industry conference — and one where I got to know Dan — and so many other industry folks. If you wanted to meet the real A-list, this was the place where you not only met them, but discovered that what they were doing, and what we all needed to talk about, was far more important than who anybody was.

I attended nearly every PC Forum from the late 80s through 2005. Many times I paid the full four-figure fee, out of my own small company's pocket, rather than, say, buying a car. Because it was totally worth it. No yearly event had more leverage for me, personally, ever, in more ways, than PC Forum.

Turns out this year's was the last. The theme was "User In Charge". The topic was right up my alley; but alas, I couldn't make it.

But the subject, as usual, was the right one. Because, it turns out, PC Forum didn't reach the end of the road. It finished paving the road we're all traveling now.

Going to PC Forum every year was a treat and a privilege for me. So, big hugs and thanks to Esther, Daphne and the crew for a job extremely well done.
We'll miss it.

and link to source : Release 1.0 / PC Forum

Damn but I'll miss it.
Not just as what Shirley and I used as excuse for a "Spring Break", by setting it as a jumping off point for some other travel during a dull month in NMich, but for the outstanding intellectual stimulation.

I recall so many people and ideas from PCForum.
It was truly outstanding.
I recall my first time, late 90's, will have to look up exactly when, and the best way that I could describe to others was after the first 24hrs, my brains were oozing out my ears.

Guess I'll have to sit down and catalog some of the amazing folks I've met and gotten to know. That was always the best part, the sessions sometimes fell flat, or at least failed to hold my rapt attention, but I attended every one, and made my, often difficult, choices of the breakout sessions in the afternoons. Many times I wished to be twins or triplets, so I could attend every one I wanted to.

Esther always seemed to be at least a couple of years "ahead of the curve" topics and ideas that we'd be exposed to at PCForum wouldn't hit mainstream for years later.

Esther and her titanium rolledex, the uber-networker, and such an inspiration.

One topic that I've "wrestled" with was important this year, that of "Virtual Worlds"
Looney Dunes: Worlds of Wierdness ?

As we finished breakfast this year, and were headed out, I spotted Daphne and crew. Stopped to ask when PCForum was going "Virtual"... I had no idea how prophetic that offhand comment might have been.

Although it was just Two and a Half days out of 365, this is like the loss of an old dear friend.

Esther, Daphne, Christina, Brodie, we'll miss you.

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