"History is a wonderful thing, if only it was true"

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Yum Yum

As the world turns, we now learn that Fried Chicken may not be "good" for you.

This is new?

KFC Is Sued Over the Use of Trans Fats in Its Cooking:

"A nutrition advocacy group sued KFC yesterday to get it to stop using partially hydrogenated oils, a key ingredient of its fried chicken. The oils contain trans fats, which scientists consider the most unhealthful of all fats.

The plaintiff, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which frequently criticizes the food industry and the government, seeks to have the District of Columbia Superior Court either ban use of the oils in KFC's cooking or force the company to post signs telling customers that its food contains trans fat and can cause heart disease."

But ...
Some time ago CSPI supported partially hydrogenated oils.

"About 80 percent of trans fats in the American diet come from partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fats became a part of fast-food meals in the 1980's, after consumer groups demanded that the chains stop frying in beef tallow and palm oils because those products are highly saturated. The hazards of trans fats were not widely realized until years later."

Couldn't find the orginal source in the CSPI archives
Nutrition Action Healthletter Archives

But did find this commentary : The Tragic Legacy of Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)

And from CSPI Press Release : KFC Sued for Fouling Chicken with Partially Hydrogenated Oil ~ Newsroom ~ News from CSPI

"The plaintiff in the case is retired physician Arthur Hoyte, of Rockville, Maryland. He had purchased fried chicken at KFC outlets in Washington, DC, and elsewhere, not knowing that KFC fries in partially hydrogenated oil.

'If I had known that KFC uses an unnatural frying oil, and that their food was so high in trans fat, I would have reconsidered my choices," said Dr. Hoyte. "I am bringing this suit because I want KFC to change the way it does business. And I'm doing it for my son and others' kids-so that they may have a healthier, happier, trans-fat-free future.' "

What planet has this guy been on?

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